
1) Reading the Texts

2) How to Search the Corpus?

A) Simple request

B) Complex request

3) Annotation Workflow

4) References

HIGH-TECH, High-level text annotation across historical texts: improving semi-automation of big data management.

The CRISCO-HT website gives access to syntactically annotated linguistic corpora produced by the team of researchers and research engineers at the CRISCO lab, University of Caen, Normandy. The site allows searching the annotated corpora (Search tab) and gives access to digitised texts (Corpus tab).

DISCLAIMER: Please note that the texts have been annotated using a semi-automated annotation workflow and some errors, most importantly where syntactic functions are concerned, may still remain. If you have any feedback or comments, please do not hesitate to contact the team via the email listed in the Corpus tab.

The corpora presented on this website are also available via the CRISCO lab TXM portal, maintained by Humanum.