
To contact the CRISCO-HT team, please use our email address.

Team :

Professor Pierre Larrivée, PI High-Tech project, MICLE project (French), CRISCO, University of Caen

Professor Cecilia Poletto, PI MICLE project (Venetian), University of Frankfurt

Rayan Ziane, CRISCOHT site developer and administrator, research engineer, High-Tech project, CRISCO, University of Caen

Mathieu Goux, post-doctoral researcher (French), MICLE project, CRISCO, University of Caen

Francesco Pinzin, post-doctoral researcher (Venetian), MICLE project, University of Frankfurt

Natasha Romanova, project manager, MICLE project, CRISCO, University of Caen

Student interns :

Marie Picard, Francesca Santangelo (2022)

Manon Lavergne, Cécile Dennebouy, Quentin Fouqueau, Leah Pavcic, Yuchu Wang (2023)

Funding :

CRISCO-HT site was developed as part of the High-Tech project.

High-Tech project received funding from the Réseau d’Intérêts Normands (RIN) in 2021-2023.

MICLE project was financed by the joined DFG-ANR grant in 2021-2024.

To cite the CHRONIQUES corpus: Larrivée, Pierre. 2023. Chroniques corpus. Université de Caen Normandie.